I just now realized I didn't sign off properly last time. Sorry if you were looking forward to that, I am just a bit short on time right now, so mistakes are bound to happen. Either way, let's get right into this.

Episode 6: Iron Man vs. the Crimson Dynamo

This episode opens in space, with a large space suit dangerously close to a star, as a man looks longingly at a holographic picture of his family. The man, named Ivan, decides to go closer to the star, to the objection of his mission partner, Anton. Ivan is completely safe despite the heat, not what I would be worried about, but ok. The ship Anton is in detects a solar flare about to erupt. Ivan is too late to get away and is caught in the flare. Blinding light fills the screen. Cue the intro.

Fade in on a light above Rhodey and Pepper as they talk to Tony about a science project they have together. Tony is currently trying to stop a crane from falling onto a busy street. After saving the people on the road, not explaining that he was protecting people, and getting nagged at by his friends, Tony is almost hit by something falling out of space. The thing hits the ground and leaves a crater. Tony says he's going to be late, gets yelled at, and goes to investigate. The news choppers get there first, finding a large, robot like thing walking out of the crater. The large suit then stops, looks around, and chucks a steam roller at the helicopter. Iron Man intercepts and sets it back on the ground. Iron Man tries to talk to the large suit, but it only responds with, "pegasus" and a swift sucker punch, knocking Iron Man a large distance away. Pepper and Rhodey find out about the fight due to the news coverage of it, because why would Tony say anything about the giant robot throwing steam rollers and surviving falls from space. Iron Man tries blasting the thing, but of course it doesn't work, so he does the totally logical thing of just trying to punch the thing that fell from space. Tony's supposed to be smart, right? Anyway, it doesn't work and Iron Man is slammed into the ground and stomped on by the robot. Pepper and Rhodey talk to Tony through the comms on his suit and Tony says he's going after it again. Rhodey argues he shouldn't, Pepper argues he should, Pepper and Rhodey argue for a second before Rhodey folds, and Pepper looks for "pegasus." Iron Man flies after the large suit and kicks it, somehow knocking it over. Pepper tells Tony that the suit was designed by Dr. Ivan Vanko, who died two years ago. The suit picks up an oil tanker and smacks Iron Man back down the road. The suit then throws the truck at Iron Man, hitting him and pinning him under it. The suit approaches the, now leaking, gas truck with its wielding torch, blowing it up, and walking away. Tony flies to space to put out the flames on his suit. Pepper finds the address of the new headquarters for Pegasus and Tony goes there.

Iron Man confronts the guy in charge who then tells him what happened. Ivan fell towards the sun, a death sentence in most cases, and the ship flew away to avoid the same fate. Ivan then, somehow, managed to find an orbit close to the sun and sent a message back to the ship. The ship was to injured to rescue Ivan, so they had to abandon him near the sun. 

Okay, rant time. Everyone in this episode treats Anton like he did something absolutely horrible play leaving Ivan behind. On one hand, I do understand to some degree. We left him there for 2 years, and it didn't exactly leave on good terms, Anton not even saying anything as to why he couldn't go back to get Ivan. On the other hand, if he had tried to go back he would be risking lives of himself and the rest of the crew on that ship just save the one person who has already broken protocol by going too close to the Sun. By all means I would say that more than justifies what he did, with the exception of not trying to go back to find Ivan afterwards. Worst came to worst, he could have at least brought the body back to Earth. See, everyone on the mission thought that Ivan had died oh, not realizing how good of a life support system they had on the suit apparently. Also, the life support system lasted him 2 years without needing to eat, drink, or change the oxygen in the suit oh, so by all logic that man should have been dead. More concerningly, how did Ivan make it back to Earth? Did he somehow leave the orbit without being caught in the gravity of the Sun? How? How did he not run out of personal fuel between the Sun and the Earth? How did he know which way was the Earth? This episode raises too many questions and tries too hard to force morality on a situation where the morality is arguably black and white with the shades of grey. All of that rant is to say, Anton really didn't do anything wrong. If anyone has seen the show and would like to or bite in the comments of this blog post, I would love to see it. Anyways, moving on.

Ivan breaks into the base and Iron Man is being surprisingly snippy at Anton for not letting him know classified information. 

This is going to be part summarization part rant, and I'm sorry that you're getting two rants this blog post, but this episode deserves it. Tony gets really upset at Anton over not telling Tony his top secret encryption code for the computer that holds all of the companies incredibly classified files. Yes I'm braking my usual used to things by saying Tony and not Iron Man in this case where the people that Tony is interacting with, in this case Anton oh, don't know that Tony is Iron Man, but in this case Tony is not acting as Iron Man, Tony is being a jerk and nearly let's Anton die on more than one occasion. And Tony is not the only one that I'm against in this case. Rhody is trying to help solve how to stop the Crimson Dynamo suit, and pepper and immediately goes and says that he should just let Ivan have Anton citing the fact that, "that guy's a tool." This is the same girl whose father is in the FBI. She, above anyone there, should be able to know that classified information is usually classified for a very important reason. Somehow, the only person of this three person team that cares about Anton is Rhody, and he is also the only person not making any personal moral judgments on the man who had to make a horrible decision about leaving his friends behind to die. Actually, now that I think about it, all three of them should understand classified information being classified for a good reason. Tony work with his father on very classified technology that, if in the wrong hands, has been known to cause massive problems. I already mentioned the fact that Pepper's father is in the FBI oh, where secrets could be the line between life and death, but Rhody's mom is a lawyer cool probably has to deal with classified information about her clients constantly. Them being upset at this man for not wanting to break protocol and tell them his secret encryption key to the very secret database despite it being kind of stupid for the sake of his life is baffling and frustrating. Now back to your irregularly scheduled review.

Tony hacks into Ivan's suit's communications and Ivan, revenge stuck and insane as ever, voices his feelings about what Anton did by leaving him behind. Tony realizes that Ivan is most angry about Anton "taking his family from him" and asks his team to find Ivan's family. A fight scene happens where Tony somehow pushes Ivan out of the building and Rams him with a large metal thing that knocks Ivan through a wall. Ivan's wife recognizes the suit on the TV right before Pepper comes in and tells her that she is needed. Ivan blast Tony through a wall, said wall being a wall that connects to a storage area for the facility, and threateningly walks over to Anton, who proceeds to cower. Anton gives a good argument about how he would have caused everyone on the shift to die if he had went back to save Ivan, the same argument that I was making earlier l, but Ivan doesn't listen and nearly blasts him with the flamethrower. Iron Man stops him, nearly dying in the process, until I am in this wife and kid come to seeing him. Seeing his family calls him down enough to stop his Rampage and in the next scene he is out of his suit being loaded into an ambulance to be taken to a hospital with his family watching the ambulance leave.

Tony makes a snide remark at Anton's expense, Antoni falls asleep in his armor on his way back to the lab to help with the science project. End credits.

In case this was somehow not obvious, I really didn't like this episode. First, Tony never wanted to talk about what he was doing. A lot of the early arguments would have been sidestepped by Tony simply saying, "I am currently holding a crane above a highway" or, "I am currently being pummeled by a giant robot from space." Second, the entire arguments as to whether or not what Anton did was a good thing is completely annoying because they bring up be very good reason as to why he couldn't go and save Ivan. They actually bring up the thing of it would kill everyone on board the ship, Tony hears him say that, and Tony still jokes at the end that he was glad to see Anton sweat. Third, that entire argument over the classified documents. Fourth, the way that they treat Anton like a coward despite the fact that he had to make the choice to save his crew over saving Ivan. Finally, the fact of the Crimson Dynamo suit was white and not red. It had a red star on the front and was clearly supposed to be based around Soviet Russia, but the main color of the suit with white.

Well, that was a lot more anger inducing and time-consuming than I thought it would be, the next episode is hopefully less frustrating, for the sake of time at least, but looking at the title I don't think it is. If you're reading this and enjoyed it feel free to look at the other reviews, I have to get all the way to episode 10 today, so expect that soon. But until then, have a nice day.


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