just got back from dinner and I need to go quickly to meet my deadline, here we go.
Episode 7: Meltdown
The episode opens on a zoom in on the city. Two trucks are parked so that things can be moved from the back of one truck to the other. People in suits and masks, full face white plastic masks, not medical style masks, have knocked out the person driving one truck and are loading the things from the back of the truck of the man that was knocked out to another track that is clearly theirs. These men are robbing the truck they are robbing because they were told to by the Maggia, which I somehow forgot came back in this episode. A couple of them drop a crate from the truck they were robbing and the crate breaks open, revealing some type of weird harness. One of the two that I dropped it takes off their mask, not a smart move, and puts the harness on, a less smart move. So if you ever heard of the rule of threes, because he does something even stupider. The guy presses a button on the harness without knowing what it does. After pressing the button a blinding sphere of light appears around him, expanding rapidly, retracting back to reveal that the guy is no longer there. His name is apparently Parks according to the other masked guy. The camera pans up to reveal a massive hole burned into a nearby wall. Zoom into the hole to cue the intro.
Cut back to Gene quoting Shakespeare's "Henery III" in theater class. Tony isn't paying attention in class and, as usual, his friends nag him about it. Pepper and Tony are paired up for a scene from Hamlet as a project they must perform for class. Pepper is not pleased. Tony runs off.
Tony flies off of Iron Man to stop a robber using energy weapons and says that he is going to drop out of school. This causes friction between him and the other two people of his team. The robber shows themselves as a person and a weird suit giving off some type of energy aura that looks like he is gone Super Saiyan minus the hair. Iron Man states that the device doing this is leaving energy and that the robber probably needs some type of medical help. The Robert does not surrender but instead attacks the police officer next to Iron Man. The robber announces that he calls himself The Living Laser and is immediately blasted into some stairs by Iron Man. Tony says a line that becomes very important later as he takes the mask and technology off of the robber, " you have the ability to turn yourself into a laser, and the best you can come up with is robbing a bank? That's sad." Tony realizes that it is Stark International technology and becomes concerned. Everyone ignores the fact that the robber is covered in lights that look like he's been affected by the technology in a more permanent way. Not even the police arresting him notice.
Tony is hacking into the Stark International research database and is interrupted by Pepper. Pepper starts to get on Tony's case about the assignment that they have that is one third of their grade, which is insane that just performing a scene from a play is that much of a grade in high school, but I digress. Tony points out the fact that the robber that he had stopped was wearing a prototype teleportation harness, meant to transform matter into energy and back. Why am I even surprised by this anymore, be insanely impossible stuff they were able to create? At this point I should just be like of course they made prototype teleportation technology of course they're able to pull this type of crap off. Anyway, Tony explains the Vault that his dad had for prototypes that he couldn't get to work or job board out before finishing. Tony realizes that something must be up with the Vault and that Stane must be the one at fault. Rhodey tell Tony that Rhodey's mom wants to see him after the school called her.
Rhodey's mom shows Tony his father's holographic, recorded will. The will states that Tony has to go to school, keep good grades, and make and keep friends, or else control of Stark International goes to its Board.
Parks is shown to have had a bad reaction to the harness, as he blasts through the window of his prison cell.
Tony doesn't take the will very well, as he blows up on his friends in the lab. Tony says he believes that he is the only one who can stop Stane, and that people die when he doesn't push himself, which is fair, but Rhody and Pepper tell him that that's too much pressure to put himself under. Once they mention that, Tony kicks them out of his lab.
Parks laughs maniacally on top of a building. I think it's safe to say he has snapped.
Tony makes up with his friends and works on his studies. He still can't memorize his lines. It's also revealed that the teacher rented an entire theater for her test and convince the entire school to see the test. How?
On their way to the test, Rhodey and Tony realize that The Living Laser is back and is threatening to destroy the city if Iron Man doesn't come back for a rematch. He also shows that he's able to project energy blast. Rhodey tell Tony that he'll cover for him well Tony go some fights Living Laser.
Iron Man comes in except the Living Laser's challenge. The Living Laser fights Iron Man in the scene where the Living Laser throws back Iron Man's own words against him from earlier. An aerial dogfight happens between the two where Tony is thrown near sign for Stark International that has Stane's face. Iron Man matches his weapons frequency to the frequency of the Living Laser and is able to actually attack him, completely disintegrating The Living Laser.
Tony and Pepper do their scene with the help of Rhodey through the use of earpiece. I would call him out on cheating, but I feel like that's pretty obvious to everyone that he wasn't going to be able to get it without cheating so, really a lot that can be done about that.
In conclusion, this was not a bad episode. It also helps to solidify where Tony is supposed to stand when it comes to the issue of staying as a good student. This went pretty quickly so I feel like I'll do pretty well as a student myself and get the rest of these done before tomorrow. Anyway, next episode is episode 8, field trip, and I just remembered what it's about. Prepare for at least one rant where I call the "super-genius" Tony an absolute idiot. Until then, have a nice day.
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